About Records and Recordkeeping

Records and information are key strategic assets of government and are the evidence of government business. In the Manitoba government, records and information help departments and agencies plan for and achieve short-term and long-term outcomes that benefit citizens, business, and government. Records document priorities, planning, communications, activities, decisions, and transactions involving and affecting Manitobans.

Ensuring that evidence of government business is created, captured, and managed is not simply about legislative compliance. A well-managed information base is the foundation of responsible and accountable government, and reliable records are needed to function effectively.

Beyond the business needs of government, good recordkeeping enables the preservation and use of records with continuing value to future generations.

Good recordkeeping by government supports accountability to the public and enables the preservation by the Archives of Manitoba of government records of lasting significance.

The Archives and Recordkeeping Act

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What are government records?

Government records are defined as recorded information in any form, created or received in the conduct of government business, and kept as evidence of activities and transactions. This includes records in all formats, including digital records.

Records are the product of activities – they are created or received in the normal course of business and deliberately captured. They are defined by their primary purpose and value, which is to provide needed evidence of actions and events.

Government is responsible for many different functions, activities, and services, and creates a wide range of records. These can include:

  • documents
  • maps and plans
  • correspondence and emails
  • agendas, minutes, and meeting packages
  • briefing and advisory notes, treasury board submissions
  • invoices, bills, estimates, and budgets
  • case files
  • photographs, text messages, digital audio recordings
  • and any other record created/received in the course of government work

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Why keep records?

Records contain information that is needed for the day-to-day work of government. Their purpose is to provide reliable evidence of, and information about, ‘who, what, when, and why’ something happened.

In some cases, the requirement to keep certain records is clearly defined by law, regulation, or professional practice. More often, recordkeeping is a matter of policy and good business practice, developed over time and "built into" work processes, to ensure that the organisation can:

  • refer to records of past transactions in order to perform subsequent actions
  • produce evidence of financial or contractual obligations, to avoid dispute or protect against legal liability
  • draw on evidence of past events to make informed decisions for the present and future
  • account for its actions and decisions when required to do so

The records of government also help to protect individual rights and entitlements, safeguard the public interest, and contribute to the historical record of Manitobans' personal and collective experience.

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What is “recordkeeping”?

Recordkeeping is the entire range of functions involved in creating and managing records and information throughout their life cycle. Recordkeeping is also referred to as records management (RM) or records and information management (RIM). Recordkeeping includes the policies, procedures, and systems used in the management of records.

It includes:

  • creating and capturing records
  • organizing and using records
  • protecting and managing records
  • retaining and disposing of records

For more information on the phases of the life cycle of records, see Managing Records in the Manitoba Government.

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