Local Authority Emergency Management Programs
Local Authority Emergency Management Roles
Key roles within the local emergency management structure include the Local Emergency Response Control Group and the Municipal Emergency Coordinator. These two roles are instrumental in developing, implementing and communicating emergency management programs and plans.
Local Emergency Response Control Group (LERCG)
The Local Emergency Response Control Group (LERCG) is integral to ensuring a municipality has an emergency management program that reflects the capacity and capabilities to appropriately prepare for and respond to an emergency or disaster. The LERCG, consisting primarily of local leadership and response agency representatives, strives to create a more resilient municipality through active and ongoing participation in the local emergency management program. Other members of the LERCG include essential local industry representatives and subject matter experts.
Municipal Emergency Coordinators
Emergencies are challenging situations that require trained and qualified professionals to provide leadership and guide communities or organizations through all hazards. Trained and experienced Municipal Emergency Coordinators will effectively and efficiently communicate and lead communities through the phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.