Streaming from the Archives

Watch digitized films and videos from the Archives of Manitoba's holdings, including the Hudson's Bay Company Archives. These records illustrate a range of events, activities and iconic sites throughout Manitoba and beyond.

Archival records, descriptions and listings can contain outdated, offensive and/or harmful language and content that reflects the time in which they were created. Read our statement on language and content for information about work that we are doing to improve our descriptions.

This feature was launched on Manitoba Day 2020, with subsequent uploads in: July 2020, December 2020, March 2021, December 2021, and January 2024.

George Henry Hambley home movie footage of an Archery contest in Assiniboine Park, Riding Mountain National Park, Clear Lake and the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg (1958)

Archives of Manitoba, George Henry Hambley fonds, "This reel shows, --Archery contest…," 1958, V402

This home movie by George Henry Hambley shows footage from Winnipeg and Western Manitoba. Notations on the original film container described the film as follows: "This reel shows, -- Archery contest, Wpg, 1958, Canadian champions shooting in Assiniboine Par[k?] Pigeons, St. Vital. Buffalo, Riding Mt. Park, Clear Lake. Parliament Bldgs. Queen Victoria, Tympanum over entranc[e] north side. Doric Pillars. Golden Boy. Corinthian pillars. James Wolffe [sic]. Lord. Dufferin. Robert Burns. Pictured poems, Cotter's Sat. night. Tam O'shanter, "To A Mouse", Jon Sigurdson. George Etienne Cartier. Two statesmen on E of Parli[ament] Bldg ( ) and ( ). Golden Boy. Time 20 Minutes. Taken by Geo. H. Hambley."


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